With James Croft, Peter Wells, Terence Huynh and Jason Murray.
Gmail Privacy
Yes, Gmail users have an expectation of privacy
Press Suckered By Anti-Google Group’s Bogus Claim That Gmail Users Can’t Expect Privacy
Speaking of Google, They still don’t like Microsoft all that much.
Microsoft Raises Antitrust Stink About Google Blocking YouTube App
Inside the bitter YouTube battle between Microsoft and Google
Google blocks Microsoft’s new YouTube Windows Phone app
Windows start button comes back October 17th
Windows 8.1 is official! Due to be released October 17th
Samsung Releasing iWatch in September?
Samsung Wants You To Figure Out What To Do With Its Flexible Displays
Samsung Said to Introduce Watch-Like Phone Next Month
Apple Buys Matcha
Apple acquires second screen TV startup Matcha.tv (scoop)
Video Discovery Service Matcha Disappears, Co-Founder Promises ‘Something Better’ In The Future
Yelp No longer totally pointless
Yelp Now Allowing Reviews from Mobile App
Yelp update brings in-app review publishing to iOS application
JB Hifi Now bringing video games?
JB Hi-Fi’s $116m profit defies slump
Is JB Hi-Fi Planning To Launch Its Own Digital Distribution Service For Video Games?
Why we can’t have nice things
Plague of game dev harassment erodes industry, spurs support groups
Yep, there are women in Call of Duty: Ghosts – can we be civil about this, please?
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