Join James Croft, Raj Deut, and Anthony Agius as we chat about Facebook: the place where everyone goes to become a monster, we chat about Red Dead 2 and whether that game is fun or not? I dunno. Maybe. You ride horses a lot. Sometimes I think it’s fun. But sometimes I’m browsing Twitter while my horse is automatically running itself into the back of a wagon. Is that a fun game? Why am I looking at a phone while I’m playing a fun game? Should I just be doing something completely different, like learning another language, or reading about how to maintain proper form when doing a barbell squat? Should I be outside running around the block getting fit? Should I be making wise investment choices? Examining the mysteries of the universe? Figuring out how to re-sand this table? I don’t know how I’m supposed to do that. I don’t even have any sandpaper!
Delay, Deny and Deflect: How Facebook’s Leaders Fought Through Crisis
Red Dead and Fallout 76 Banter
Sony’s PlayStation pulled from E3 event in 2019
Bitcoin and Ethereum fall to lows not seen since 2017
Australian electric vehicle plug war is over, Tesla picks a side
You’re invited to the 2018 “Reckon-Sizzle” BBQ this Sunday
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