Episode 10 | Ballmer, Ballmer, Ballmer

Ballmer, Ballmer, Ballmer

With Peter Wells, James Croft and Alec Fraser

Reckoner Podcast

Ballmer retires, internet loses mind.

Who Will Be Next Microsoft CEO? 
Ballmers Farewell
Ballmer Calls It Quits
A CEO that Doesn’t Exist
Turning Microsoft into Apple 


Former Batmen Defend Affleck 
Affleck Backlash 
September iPhone announcements, gold, chanmpange, Cheap 5C

SKU Numbers
More on those Numbers

Australians don’t shop on line – why?

Australian Online Sales Lag

Apple buys embarked – great to see they’re working on apps.

Hope For Maps Yet

PRSM social network and Blackbar iOS game. Protesting the NSA with parody.

PRSM – The Verge 
PRSM – ReadWrite

GTA soundtrack leaked. Grab it.

GTA Soundtrack

Saints Row IV – The Only Review needed.

Youtube (26 Seconds)

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