I have three Raspberry Pis in my home. One runs the amazing ad blocking software Pi-hole, another serves as smarthome hub running Hass.io and the last (and oldest) I got to build a smart mirror that’s going nowhere fast.
None of those make use of the true power the Raspberry Pi now affords. Today’s announcement of the Raspberry Pi 4 (Model B) shows just how far the tiny US$35 (A$59.95) computer has come.
Available in three configurations with either 1GB, 2GB or 4GB of RAM the new RPi4 now also includes Gigabit Ethernet, WiFi, BLE 5.0, 2 x USB2, 2x USB3 and dual mini HDMI ports that both push 4K!
For under US$40 you’re getting quite the little pocket-rocket. Sure it’s not going to replace your video editing suite anytime soon but for an everyday word processing & web browsing terminal an RPi could very well replace a lot of people’s ageing desktops.
Both the 1GB and 2GB models are available immediately with the 4GB shipping on July 1st.
Australian orders can be placed through RPi’s local resellers: Core Electronics & PiAustralia.