Sponsor DTNS to get me on the show, please!

With this amount we can hire Peter Wells to do a sixth day of DTNS from Australia on his Monday or hemisphere’s Sunday. Get more DTNS with perspectives from the other side of the world. Or from your side of the world if you’re over there!

Tom Merritt has offered me a regular gig as the host of the Daily Tech News Show, for a new Sunday episode. We’re still working out the details, but I think the show will be a bit more relaxed than the show Tom hosts daily, with more of an international feel.

I’m stunned Tom has offered me the gig. For a podcaster, this is like Hendrix offering to jam with you. It would make me very happy if you could click this link and support DTNS to help make this happen.

You can sponsor the show from just $1 a month. And if you decide to, can you throw me an @ on Twitter to let me know? Thanks!



Source: Support Tom Merritt creating Podcasts