This is the story of an unexpected encounter between Mario and the irreverent Rabbids. To bring order back to a splintered Mushroom Kingdom, Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and Yoshi team up with Rabbids heroes in a journey through four different worlds.
Out today, Mario + Rabbids will satiate your Switch woes as you hold out for Mario Odyssey. Don’t be fooled by it’s “Mario” exterior though, this game is tough and will prove a real challenge to the most seasoned gamer.
It’s easy to go into Mario + Rabbids with low expectations. It’s a mashup that doesn’t seem to make much sense, in a genre that feels counter to Super Mario’s playful spirit. But you should definitely look past the crazed, Rabbid-infused exterior. Mario + Rabbids isn’t just a great strategy game brimming with charm and clever ideas. It also joins the likes of Breath of the Wild, Arms, and Splatoon 2 in showcasing the best the Switch has to offer.
…you’re in for a surprise: even for XCOM vets some of its battles are challenging puzzles. Some of its tougher levels do devolve into a trial-and-error slog, but a good mix of enemies, objectives, and character abilities keep things interesting.
Because this is a Switch game, you can play it at home or on the go. I’ve used my Switch almost exclusively as a home console and find it too big to comfortably use as a portable, but there was something about this game that made me enjoy taking it on the go. The format helps. Turn-based battles lend themselves wonderfully to abrupt pausing as I’d catch a few more rounds between subway stops.
Source: Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle on Nintendo Switch | Ubisoft (US)