Behind closed doors, the NBN is floating the idea of charging you extra for watching your favourite shows.
Do you remember the whole Net Neutrality thing the US was going on about? Well this is basically that, but instead of the FCC it’s the Liberal government. Their end goal is make more money in the hopes of turning their turd of a network into something literally anyone might buy. They’re putting feelers out there to ISPs in the hopes they might further gouge its B2B clients (ISPs) and in-turn the end user. ie. The Australian people.
In the NBN’s most recent wholesale pricing review a question was raised around ISPs interest/thoughts around buying streaming data, such as that used for Netflix, at a higher cost.
Unsurprisingly the ISPs weren’t too happy as not only would it mean significantly higher costs for them but also the introduction of deep-packet inspection, or other means, to determine the type of data being sent.
Whilst the current Australian government has no issue with invading their peoples’ privacy, ISPs have long stood against it and appear to be following suit in their disgust at the NBN’s latest “idea”.