NBN Co is adamant its CEO did not blame online gamers for causing congestion on fixed wireless.
Yeah but you did mate.
Days before Bill Morrow specifically identified gamers as being heavy users of the NBN that in turn are causing congestion and issues for other users on the network.
In a statement to a parliamentary hearing Mr Morrow said “While people are gaming it is a high bandwidth requirement that is a steady streaming process”.
As the NBN PR team are now all too painfully aware, gaming uses little to no bandwidth in comparison to the average Netflix user and have been heavily back peddling since.
Today in a statement from NBN Co the company suggests that Morrow merely used them as an example of a “heavy user” and not the root cause in contrast to his specific remarks.
In the same hearing Morrow is quoted as saying a few more gems stating that, “No-one designs a network to where everybody uses it at the same exact time” and falling back to innovations such as the iPhone as being something no one could predict in the failing network.
Ironically “innovation” was the catch-cry of the currently elected government who’s switch to a multi-technology-mix ensures building a network for today and NOT tomorrow, effectively predicting the endorsement of the CEO’s sentiment.