Facebook’s internet drone “Aquila” completes its first test flight

Facebook's internet drone test flight

Facebook’s new drone can beam internet from the sky — and it just completed its first test flight.

Posted by The Verge on Thursday, July 21, 2016


Aquila is more than a proof of concept. It’s a linchpin of the company’s plan to bring the internet to all 7 billion people on Earth, regardless of their income or where they live. Doing so will lift millions of people out of poverty, Zuckerberg says, improving education and health globally along the way. But it will also enable the next generation of Facebook’s services in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and more.

In what could eventually be a direct competitor to Google’s Project TitanProject Loon (if either project gets off the ground – and yes the pun’s intended), Facebook’s laser targeting internet drones could be buzzing around a city near you in the coming decade.

How long before Turnbull touts this as another tech to add to the NBN? I joke. Kinda.

Source: Facebook takes flight | Facebook 2026