Do you even bake, (tech) bro?

…well-off, internet-raised 20- and 30-somethings have turned to baking bread to self-impose a little offline time […] to get closer to their mythical human roots, to go back to a time when everything took forever and nothing could be [Uber’d].

If you’re like me, more and more of your tech industry mates have gotten into baking bread. I like to think of it as “home-brew for nerds“. My instagram is full of “crumb shots” as they call them and I have to listen to this muppet go on about it every fortnight when we record the podcast.

Eater’s article is an interesting read on how these new baking “disruptors” (such a wanky buzzword) are using baking as a means to switch off and get a little tech-free time that I do really understand having been in the industry for 20+ years.

Source: How Tech Bros Fell in Love With Baking Bread – Eater