Apple loosens the HomeKit reins

…HomeKit is now open to any Apple developer to tinker around with. […] They can even develop prototypes on top of popular developer boards like Raspberry Pi and Arduino.

More importantly, Apple also updated the HomeKit specification so that developers no longer have to go through the trouble of integrating an authentication chip into their products.

HomeKit is finally beginning to take steps in down the right path. After a very shaky start as a headless system it has been refocused and pivoted into what could be a great smarthome platform.

One of the biggest issues that remained however, for HomeKit’s adoption, was the stringent and ludicrous requirements to make a certified product that works with it.

In removing hardware authentication and shifting to a software solution Apple removes one of HomeKit’s largest roadblocks. The change should mean a huge increase in products developed for the platform.

Source: Apple Frees Up Its Smart Home Platform To Kickstart Development