Presenting at an event in San Jose on Wednesday, Facebook’s Oculus introduced the Go, a new headset capable of operating without a connected phone, Mac, or Windows PC.
The Oculus Go is a a direct replacement for the partnered Samsung Gear VR headset. Interestingly enough we spoke about what might happen to Samsung & Oculus’ relationship on this week’s podcast after it was announced Samsung would be making Microsoft MR headsets soon.
The new Go has an inbuilt 2560 x 1440 display and audio however a headphone jack allows other headphones to be easily connected. It will be available for US$199.
In addition to the new Go Oculus announced the temporary price drop to the Oculus Rift + Touch bundle* would become permanent. The new RRP a very low US$399.
Finally Oculus showed off new six-axis controller for the upcoming “Santa Cruz” untethered headset being worked on by Oculus. Don’t get too excited, we’re likely not to see it come to fruition for another year at least.
*Please note the link to the price dropped bundle is an Amazon affiliate link that benefits Reckoner.
Source: Oculus reveals $199 standalone ‘Go’ VR headset, drops Rift price to $399